Formatting checklist
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last edited
by Frank Kelderman 10 years, 6 months ago
Format and layout
The first lines of all paragraphs are indented by one tab.
There is no extra line spacing between paragraphs.
Use 2 pt. line spacing.
Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font. (This is just to make sure that everyone hands in essays of equal length.)
Number all pages, except the first.
If you’re using footnotes, use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc…)
Spelling and punctuation
Numbers are spelled out when it is possible to do so in two words or less. (For instance, “22” appears as “twenty-two,” 2,000 appears as “two thousand,” and “117” is expressed in numerals.)
The names of decades are spelled as this: the 1880s, the 2000s. (Note: there is no apostrophe (‘) in it.
Quotations are placed between double quotation marks: (“…”)
Commas and full stops appear inside the quotation marks ( ,” and .”), while colons and semicolons are placed outside (”: and ”;). Question marks appear inside the quotation marks if they are part of the original quotation; if not, they go outside.
If you’re quoting a sentence but not in its entirety, it is not necessary to add ellipses (. . .) at the beginning or end of the quotation—only when you take out words in the middle.
The titles of longer works (books) are printed in italics; the titles of shorter works (journal articles) are placed between quotation marks.
Formatting checklist
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